Star Trek: The Next Generation and all these characters are copyrighted by Paramount.
Although I am really only interested in TNG, most of these links have info on all the different Star Trek series.
This is an excellent episode guide which lists information such as writer, director, related episodes, and ratings in different categories for every episode. This is a fan-run site that has similar guides for many other sci-fi series.
This page has links to tons of fan fiction sites. It is divided up by series, and each page has a short summary so you can find exactly what you are searching for.
This page has several links.
The graphics on this site make it really look like Star Trek, but I found the site somewhat confusing. You have to regester before you can enter the site, but once I did so I could not figure out where to find things within the page. If I get a chance to go back and explore it some more I'll update this info.
This page has lots of pics of the ships, but not much else.
The official Paramount site. As far as I can tell it is not really up-to-date, and the formatting is pretty bad.
This page only has a few links and a short quiz for you to participate in.
This page has lots of pics of PS, as well as a funny page with spoofs on both the actor and his character.
The author of this site found an action figure of Picard that was wearing the wrong uniform. Now he is trying to auction it off.
Now, if you maintain a Star Trek page and you don't object to being listed on my page, I'd love to have you. Feel free to e-mail me at to contribute either your page or some other good Star Trek page of which you know. If you maintain a site that I have listed here and object to my rating, you should also write to me and explain your objection; it is very possible that I could have missed a feature of your page or that you have updated it since I last looked at it.
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